


英語スピーチコンテストTrial版 Gandai English Speech Contest Trial

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  • 英語スピーチコンテストTrial版 Gandai English Speech Contest Trial


English will be followed.

岩手大学国際教育センターでは、岩手大学の正規生(日本人?留学生限らず)を対象に、英語スピーチコンテスト(Trial版)Gandai English Speech Contest Trialの出場者を募集します。詳細は、以下のとおりです。







場所 多目的室(学生センターB棟)




エントリー締め切り:11月2日(月)17:00 → 延長しました! 11月9日(月)昼まで




 スクリプト送付先 ジェイコブピーターセン jacobp@iwate-u.ac.jp

メール題名:「Script for Gandai English Speech Contest Trial」と表記すること

スクリプト送付締め切り日 11月16日(月)17:00





1. "Glocal"

a. What is "Glocal"?

b. What does "Glocal" mean to you?

c. How can you share "Glocal" with people around the world?

2. "Corona virus (COVID-19)"

a. Impact on your life

b. Impact on your education

c. Impact on your future plans

3. Life lessons you have learnt in Iwate University





1位 がんちゃんタンブラーと琥珀ボールペン

2位 がんちゃんタンブラー

3位 がんちゃんタオルハンカチ

参加証 がんちゃんマスキングテープ




(30分)17:00~17:30 スピーチ①~⑤


(30分)17:40~18:10 スピーチ⑥~⑩

(10分)18:10~18:20 審査

(10分)18:20~18:30 結果発表?表彰?コメント

Iwate University International Education Center is looking for participants in the Gandai English Speech Contest Trial, for full-time students (Japanese and international students) of Iwate University. The details are as follows.

● Purpose

The purpose is to improve the ability to express one's opinions logically on topics while improving their English and presentation ability.

● Contest outline

Ten Iwate University students will be contestants, and each student will have a four-minute speech. Judges will decide the 1st to 3rd place, and give awards. This contest will be live-streamed and released on YouTube.

● Date and time / place

Friday, November 27, 16: 50-18: 30

Location: Multipurpose room (Student Center Building B)

● How to participate

① Participation entry (by Google form)

Google form: https://forms.gle/jQcSB7KzkfAgZcjP6

Entry deadline: November 2nd (Monday) 17:00  Deadline Extended: November 9th (Monday) 12:00

② Select one specific theme from the speech themes below

③ Write a script

④ Send the script to Petersen-sensei at the International Education Center.

Professor Jacob Petersen: jacobp@iwate-u.ac.jp

Email title: "Script for Gandai English Speech Contest Trial"

Script sending deadline: November 16th (Monday) 17:00

● Qualifications

Full-time students at Iwate University (regardless of nationality).

In principle, the number of participants will be 10 people, but if there are more applications, the International Education Center will examine and select about 10 people.

● Speech theme

1. "Glocal"

a. What is "Glocal"?

b. What does "Glocal" mean to you?

c. How can you share "Glocal" with people around the world?

2. "Corona virus (COVID-19)"

a. Impact on your life

b. Impact on your education

c. Impact on your future plans

3. Life lessons you have learnt in Iwate University

● Speech conditions

? Do not read the script during the speech.

? Clothing must be formal. (Suit, etc. T-shirts not allowed)

● Awards

1st place Gan-chan tumbler and amber ballpoint pen

2nd place Gan-chan tumbler

3rd place Gan-chan towel handkerchief

Participation certificate Gan-chan masking tape

● Contest day schedule

MC: Jacob Petersen

(10 minutes) 16: 50-Opening

(30 minutes) 17: 00-17: 30 Speeches ①-⑤


(30 minutes) 17: 40-18: 10 Speeches ⑥-⑩

(10 minutes) 18: 10-18: 20 Examination

(10 minutes) 18: 20-18: 30 Result announcement, awards, comments